Monday, November 16, 2009


This post is for our good friend Brian...who slipped away from us yesterday. Our hearts are breaking for his family...especially his wife Marie and their two children. Please keep them in your prayers and remember that life is fragile and brief. It's so important that we make every precious moment count.
We love you Brian...

xoxo, amy

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hi all...just popped in to post some pics from our Halloween party.
A fun time was had by all...
Congrats to CATWOMAN for winning the costume contest!
Enjoy that 'mermaid-blue' bottle of Hypnotiq!

Until next year...
xoxo, amy

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hi all...check out this POST on my AdornTheWearer and exciting stuff!

xoxo, amy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Is Here!

Fall is FINALLY here...but you wouldn't know it from the weather we've been having. I can't believe it's still in the nineties...
A quick sneak peak at the Halloween costume I've been working on...

And a dee-lish harvest of Halloween-ey tags, ripe for the decorating....

I tried to snap a quick photo of these two cute little lovebirds, but an intruder entered the frame before I could get to my camera... They're still awful cute, huh?

And what post would be complete without a revealing photo of her highness... What a lady!

xoxo, amy

Sunday, June 7, 2009


We FINALLY had our Whale Shark encounter...something I've wanted to do for years and something that George has wanted to do since he was a little boy and learned (in the Guiness Book of World Records) that they are the largest fish on earth. We went with a small group 2 hours off the shore of Cancun.. past Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy. The water was like glass...disturbed only by an occasional giant manta ray (the mantas themselves were 8-10 feet across). It wasn't long before we spotted several whale sharks. The one we swam with (tagged #662 by the Mexican Whale Shark Project) was a 25-30 foot female. Simply awesome. We took turns swimming with her for hours as she fed on plankton at the surface. Her tail, from top to bottom, stood almost 8 feet tall (and when it brushed up against George he said it was like bumping into a brick wall). It's difficult to get a sense of her size from most of these photos, but you can see our guide scraping the barnacles from her tag in one of the last photos.

just simply breathtaking....
xoxo, amy